When Does Ski Clothing & Equipment Go On Sale? (Our Favourite Time To Buy New Gear)

by Alaina Johnson | Updated: October 27th, 2023 |  Buying Guides

Skiing is an expensive sport to participate in. It makes perfect sense to save money where you can, especially when it comes to buying your gear.

If you're looking to find deals on ski or snowboarding clothes, such as ski jackets and pants, you should start looking at the end of the ski season to replace your gear (rather than the start of the season). The summertime can be a good time to make a discounted purchase as well.

men women ski jackets

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Where to Find Discounted Ski Clothes?

Oftentimes, outdoor retailers like Patagonia, REI & EVO will offer sales during the period after the Christmas holidays. If you're looking for some gear to finish the ski season, this would be a great time to do some shopping.

downhill skier

When you're looking for an even steeper discount, the period after the ski season ends is the best time to snag the best prices on all ski clothes. Stores want to clear out their inventory so that they can replace it with up-to-date items the following season.

If you're new to skiing, this is a great time to purchase your first set of ski gear. You won't have to make thousands of dollars worth of investment when you purchase items during the off-season.

You'll be able to find quality gear at a fraction of the price, enabling you to save money and put it towards extra lessons if you need them.

Going to popular retailers, such as Backcountry and EVO, during February and March is recommended for those looking for a new set of ski clothes. Local ski-specific stores will also be offering deals, sometimes better than the major companies.

For those who don't live near an outlet such as this, there are online avenues you can search for that provide discounted ski equipment. If you live in a southern state, you don't have to worry about missing out on a good sale.

Buying local is often cheaper than shopping at a major supplier. Even if you're not shopping out of season, you're more likely to find a good deal at a smaller store. Occasionally the reverse can also be true.

These local companies don't drive the same quantity of business that international companies do, so they're more likely to offer lower prices to attract new customers and keep their loyal customers happy.

Retailers We Recommend:

Everything you need for your next ski trip. We recommended the following retailers to deliver high-quality ski gear.

How to Find the Best Sales for Ski Clothes

Colorado Ski

There are a few tips to keep in mind when you're looking for sale items to add to your ski wardrobe. Some of these are best used if you live in a more ski-centric area, however, some of them can be used online as you're searching for deals.

1. Find a Local Swap

While there are also online swap options, these types of sales are often done in person. As a rule of thumb, customers will sell their gear at steeply discounted prices — similar to garage sales.

There will often be advertisements for such a swap, as they work best when there are a decent number of participants. If you're looking for used clothing items, this is a great event to attend as you're sure to find nice items at fair prices.

2. Schedule Time for Major Sale Events

Events that take place on days such as Cyber Monday or Black Friday are often the best time to buy new gear without the high price point. The more popular large retail stores often want to clear out some of the previous season's gear, so they offer it at a significant discount.

However, if you don't have the day off from work — you'll want to consider using vacation or a sick day. You often need to camp out at certain stores in order to snag the best items.

Cyber Monday is often less hectic, as you can shop from home with the convenience of your computer. However, they're still on a first-come-first served basis. You'll want to set the alarm to be ready to shop right as the sales become active to get gear in the right size.

3. Visit the Local Discount Stores

truck in snow
Photo by Roman Königshofer licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

While many skiers may not think to shop at stores such as Ross, Marshall's, and even Goodwill, they offer great finds at low prices. While you're not going to find ski boots or puffy jackets, you should be able to find warm socks, insulated under layers, and even gaiters or balaclavas.

Spending a couple of hours a week scouring your local discount shops can end up saving you hundreds if you're able to score an otherwise expensive piece of clothing. If you live in an area with a colder climate, you're more likely to find the gear you're looking for.

4. Consider Purchasing from a Rental Store

ski rental store

Rental stores occasionally run sales to get rid of their older gear. While some of it may be fairly beat up, sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough. If you're unsure whether or not you want to ski long-term, this is a great way to save on rental prices while not fully committing to purchasing new.

Some rental shops even carry new ski clothes, so there's a chance that you can find a steal on gear that's never been worn. It all depends on the dealer and it's recommended that you call ahead or stop by to see what they have to offer.

5. Check Out the Online Stores

Sites such as Amazon and OutdoorMaster carry ski clothes and while they don't always go on sale, they're often cheaper than the brick-and-mortar stores. You may be able to find deals on Cyber Monday on these sites, so look at their offerings and wait for any potential sales to come around.

It's not uncommon for online retailers to sell last year's styles at a discount as they prepare to sell the new and improved versions. If you don't mind being out of "ski style," you can grab some quality gear and keep the extra change in your pocket.

Buying Cheap Gear Versus Finding a Good Deal

Just because you're trying to find discounted ski clothes, doesn't mean that the quality has to be lacking. If you're purchasing used gear, find a reputable shop that ensures the quality is still optimal for use in the following few seasons.

When shopping at an independent retailer, they have a stronger sense of what customers are searching for. They often thoroughly inspect any used gear to ensure that the next customer is happy with it and that there's no visible damage.

Advice: You don't have to throw thousands of dollars at your ski setup, as you can oftentimes find expensive gear at a fraction of the cost after somebody else has used it for a season or two.

With a little bit of upkeep and perhaps laundering, you'll have a great ski outfit of your own.

When you're purchasing ski boots, the last thing you want to do is go cheap. Ski boots can make or break your time on the slopes and if they're ill-fitting or poorly made, you're sure to be uncomfortable all day on the mountain.

ski discipline

Ski boots are often recommended to be purchased new, as they form to your feet. If they've already had the chance to conform to a previous ski's feet, they may never fit you quite right. Saving money on other gear can allow you to spend up on your boots.

You should also never purchase a used helmet. You can invest in a new one and wear it for up to five years before it's recommended that you should get a new one again.

Be Flexible When Shopping For Discounted Ski Clothes

Canyon Yellowstone National Park
Photo by Yellowstone National Park licensed under Public Domain Mark 1.0

While it's important to know what you're looking for, especially when it comes to the features you deem necessary, you should also remain flexible. When you buy new, you can purchase the exact color you want, with all the bells and whistles.

However, purchasing items on sale often leads to a great deal on a quality ski jacket, even though it may not be the exact color you want. Remaining flexible on characteristics such as this will give you a better chance at stealing a deal.

Ensuring that the gear fits properly and keeps you adequately warm is critical. A black versus a blue coat matters very little at the end of the day.

Shopping on sale and off-season often meals you'll have items that are "last year's fashion." To some, this matters very little as a jacket is a jacket and as long as it does its job, style doesn't matter. However, if you like to stay up to date on fashion — you may struggle to buy items on sale.

For the average recreational skier, the style changes from one year to the next are very minimal. When it comes to professional skiers, they are often sponsored by brands to wear their specific gear.

When it comes to someone skiing casually during the winter season, it doesn't make a difference if you wear the current year's style or a coat from five seasons ago. Nobody will notice what you're wearing, as everyone is too busy skiing!


There are plenty of great deals to be had when you're searching for ski clothes. Oftentimes, shopping during the off-season or after major holidays is a great way to snag high-quality gear at a fraction of the cost.

Shopping local is a great tip for skiers just starting out in the sport, as it allows them to find a trusted resource for buying pre-owned and lightly used equipment. However, plenty of sales are held at the major retailers — especially on days such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.