What Do Ski Slope Colors Mean? Trail Guide for Beginners

by Simon Naylor | Updated: August 15th, 2023 |  Skiing Articles

Every new skier has to understand the ski slope colors before they venture beyond the baby slopes. Not checking if you're descending on a beginner, intermediate or expert run, could leave you in a pickle - or worse - mortal danger.

Ski slope colors refer to the steepness of the gradient and the level of difficulty. Green is the easiest and black the most difficult. However, color alone doesn't tell the whole story. Some runs with the same color feel easy, while others are really challenging. Here's how to truly assess slope difficulty.

black diamond ski run

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Important Basics About Ski Slope Colours

There are some differences between what classifies as a specific color depending on the country and the resort.

Not all blues, reds, or blacks will ever match up exactly in difficulty because every piste follows the natural gradient of the mountain.

Ski run colours are determined based on several factors, including gradient, terrain features, width, and snow conditions. Steeper slopes with more obstacles and narrow sections are generally rated as more difficult, while gentler slopes with wide open spaces are considered easier.

Green is an easy shallow & wide slope for beginners. Blue is for intermediate skiers who can turn on steeper faster gradients. In Europe, Red is for very good confident skiers that like a challenge. Black slope or Double Black Diamond is for expert skiers who can handle very steep, uneven gradients. Let's find out how resorts grade their runs.

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A trail will be rated by its most difficult part, even if the rest of the trail is easy. However in all ski resorts in the world, Green is the easiest terrain designed for beginner skiers, while Black is the most difficult and steepest terrain meant for highly competent expert skiers.

Most resorts around the world fall into the two main categories I've laid out in the sections below.

Ski Slopes Colors

Ski slopes colors are almost universal, but there are a few key differences that are worth noting depending in which country or continent your skiing in.

Europe & Most of the World

In most of the world, including Europe, Australia, New Zealand - black is the most difficult type of ski run and all the colors are marked on ski maps or beside trails as colors inside circles.

Europe Ski Piste Color Angles
Sign color (Europe)Difficulty
BlueEarly Intermediate
RedAdvanced Intermediate

North America: Canada & USA

In North America, there are no red runs, but two types of black runs. Black Diamond and the most difficult: Double Black Diamond. Each slope difficulty uses a different shaped marker. Circle being the easiest and double black diamonds the most challenging.

Canada + USA Ski Trai Colors
Sign color in North America 🇨🇦🇺🇸Difficulty
Green, white centerBeginner
Black, double diamondExtreme
ski rating colorado

Exceptions: In some resorts like Colorado at Winter Park resort, they use a black diamond inside a blue square to indicate a trail that sits between a blue and a black in difficulty. Similar to a European red run. 

Some resorts like Boise, Idaho use an orange diamond to indicate a trail that is more difficult than a double black diamond. Treat these as extreme warnings. 

Green Trails / Beginner Slopes

kids learning to ski
🇳🇿New Zealand
Green circle.
🇨🇦🇺🇸North America
Green white center + Green

Green slopes are wide & shallow beginner runs and have a gradient range of less than 25%. 

Every new skier needs to start somewhere. Preferably somewhere with a shallow gradient, plenty of wide-open space, and room to learn, play and fall!

In every resort, the green slopes are for new skiers learning the ropes. They typically have a large area of flat to shallow gradients at the bottom where first-day skiers congregate.

Expect Slower Moving Lifts

You can start off on a magic carpet (travelator or flat standing lift) to take you on your first few runs. After that, you can upgrade to a chairlift to reach the top of the green run once you're comfortable with the basics of sliding and snowplow.

Green runs typically have slow-moving lifts for you to learn how to get on and off without ending up in a broken mess.

Beginner lifts have attentive staff that is always on the lookout for wobbly new skiers and will shut off the lift at a moment's notice -so you don't swing back around hanging off the bar by your ankles!

Snowplough is Your Friend

You'll typically spend the first few days of learning to ski mostly on the green runs getting to grips with your balance and learning to turn.

Fellow beginner skiers are slow-moving but in peak season you will have plenty of fallen obstacles to try and avoid with your newfound snow plough.

Be aware of fast-approaching skiers at the end of their long runs, but don't be scared of them - they can ski around you much easier than you realize (that is, unless you panic and make a sudden unexpected movement).

Blue Trails / Intermediate Slopes

learning to ski
learning to ski
🇳🇿New Zealand
🔵 Blue circle.
🇨🇦🇺🇸North America
🔷 Blue square.

Blue slopes are considered intermediate runs and have a gradient range of 25-40 percent. 

Once you've got a hand on your left and right turns, you can look ahead and avoid others, then you're ready to try your first blue run.

In Europe look for a blue circle. In North America (Canada & USA) look for a blue square.

Expect Varied Terrain

When it comes to skiing, blue runs offer a perfect balance of challenge and excitement for intermediate skiers. These runs are steeper than green runs, but not as challenging as black runs. In fact, blue runs make up the majority of an average ski resort's runs and offer the most diversity in terms of terrain.

One of the unique features of blue runs is that they can vary significantly in terms of their difficulty and terrain. Some sections of a blue run may be slow and shallow, similar to a green run, while other parts may be steep and challenging, approaching the difficulty level of a red or black run in North America.

Great for Developing Intermediates

In addition to the varying terrain, blue runs often offer skiers the opportunity to practice their turns and improve their technique. Skiers can enjoy carving down the slopes, practicing their parallel turns, and even trying out some moguls.

Overall, blue runs are an excellent choice for intermediate skiers looking to challenge themselves and experience a range of terrain and difficulty levels. With their varied terrain and exciting features, blue runs are sure to provide an unforgettable skiing experience.

Expect Faster Lifts

The lifts will be running much faster (up to twice as fast) so be prepared as you get on and off so that you have less time to get into position.

Coming off the lifts you need to keep your skis together and not snowplow off as you'll trip up any snowboarders or skiers on either side of you. Slide off and come to a stop once you're 5 meters or more away from the lift.

Tip: Pro tip: On the blue slopes, skiers around you will be much faster and the gradients steeper than what you've been used to up until this point. Try not to stop in the middle of the piste and never stop where oncoming skiers can't see you.

Red / Advanced Intermediate Slopes.

IMG_0221 Large
🇳🇿New Zealand
🔴 Red circle.
🇨🇦🇺🇸North America( similar to steep blues or shallow blacks )

Red slopes are considered advanced intermediate runs and have a steep gradient for confident skiers.

Red pistes are found everywhere except in North America - the equivalent there would be a steep section on a blue run or a shallow section on a black diamond run.

Red run skiing is for confident skiers who can link their turns quickly and are able to control their speed on steep gradients. Red runs usually have some difficult bumpy terrain, parts of the slope can be twisted or narrow (rather than meandering).

Red runs are not for new skiers learning to parallel turn, or for skies that can't hockey stop either side, at will.

Black Trails / Expert Slopes.

person skiing in a snow during daytime
⚫ Black
🇨🇦🇺🇸North America
◈◈ Black diamond.

Black diamond ski slopes are expert runs and have a gradient range exceeding 40%.

Black runs are very steep and designed for expert skiers who have years of experience or who ski at a very high level. These runs can be intimidating for even experienced skiers. If you're planning on trying a black diamond for the first time, it's important to have the right skills and equipment.

In North America, the Double Black diamond - is the designation for the highest difficulty of skiing. This could be 'off-piste', extreme moguls, or other highly challenging conditions.

Double black diamond runs are even more difficult than black diamonds. These runs are reserved for experts only. They usually have steep grades, tight turns, and may have cliffs or other features that make the run particularly challenging. In fact, double black diamond runs can be so dangerous that some resorts require that you ski with a partner.

Black Diamond Ski Slope: Can Be Dangerous ⚠️

Black diamond ski slopes are designated for expert skiers only. These runs have gradients exceeding 40% and contain the steepest and most challenging terrain at a ski resort. Descending a black diamond slope requires advanced skills and experience.

Before attempting a black diamond, you should be an advanced skier capable of fast, short-radius turns. You need strong leg muscles and a high level of conditioning to handle the sustained steepness. Skiing moguls, icy patches, and powder in tight spaces is mandatory.

The risks of attempting a black diamond slope unprepared are high. It's easy to gain too much speed to control or become cliffed out on technical terrain. Every year expert skiers are injured or killed on black diamond slopes from losing control.

a man riding a snowboard down a snow covered slope

Around The World

In addition to these colors, some countries use these unique signs.

Japan: Resorts my use a purple color to indicate runs that are steeper and more challenging than black runs.

South Korea: Resorts may use a brown color to indicate runs that are not groomed.

Terrain Park

terrain park sign

In some resorts, if you see black or orange rectangles with rounded corners this signifies the way to a terrain park with ski jumps, half-pipes, and other obstacles.

How Weather Affects Ski Slope Ratings

Ski slope ratings are designed to give skiers an idea of the difficulty level of a particular slope. These ratings take into account factors such as the steepness of the slope, the terrain, and the overall conditions of the run. However, one factor that can greatly affect ski slope ratings is the weather, the snow conditions, and the temperature.

Impact of Weather on Ski Slope Ratings

Weather conditions can have a significant impact on ski slope levels. This is because weather affects the snow conditions, which in turn affects the difficulty level of the slope. For example, a slope that is rated as a blue run on a sunny day with fresh powder may become more difficult if the snow becomes icy and hard-packed due to colder temperatures or lack of snowfall.

Ski slope ratings are typically assigned based on the conditions that are expected under normal weather conditions. However, if the weather changes, the slope rating may need to be adjusted. For example, a blue run may become a green run if there is fresh powder on the slope, making it easier to ski, (in practice, this rarely happens).

Travel Guide snow trees

Different Weather Conditions and Their Impact on Ski Slope Ratings

  1. Snow Conditions

The most obvious weather condition that affects ski slope ratings is the snow conditions. Fresh powder can make a slope easier to ski as it provides a cushion for falls and makes it easier to turn. However, if the snow is icy or hard-packed, the slope becomes more challenging as it is more difficult to turn and control speed.

  1. Temperature

Temperature can also affect ski slope ratings. In warmer temperatures, the snow may become slushy and heavy, making it more difficult to ski. In colder temperatures, the snow may become icy and hard-packed, making it more challenging to turn and control speed.

  1. Wind

Wind can also impact ski slope ratings. Strong winds can create drifts and cause snow to accumulate in certain areas of the slope, making it more challenging to ski. Additionally, wind can create icy patches on the slope, making it more difficult to control speed and turn.

It's a smart idea to check the weather conditions before hitting the slopes. This will help you to prepare for the conditions you will encounter and choose slopes that are appropriate for your experience. It will also help you layer up correctly - remember it's better to have one more extra layer than not enough!

Tip: Check the resort's webcam and forecast before you head to the slopes each morning.

Final thoughts

It's clear that new skiers should get to grips with their piste colors as soon as possible. Always know what color piste you're on before descending. Not knowing could lead you to a scary situation.

Skiing over fresh powder naturally slows your skiing whilst skiing over long icy patches can be very difficult even for great skiers.Take note of the weather conditions and only move up to the color of run that matches your level of skiing.

Don't be pressured by friends or peers encouraging you to hit a steeper run if you don't feel good about it..oh & wear a ski helmet.

Have fun and enjoy the mountain.